Sightings Articles

Martin Marty | German-Americans | Lutherans | assimilation | Angela Merkel | Francois Hollande

The Silent Minority

America’s largest ethnic group has assimilated so well that people barely notice it. So ran a headline in The Economist (Feb 7)....

February 16, 2015

Martin Marty | decolonize | homogenization | heteronormativity | feminist studies | queer studies | Carter Heyward | Robert Shore-Goss | Gary David Comstock | Graham Ward | Elizabeth Johnson | Pope Francis | sensus fidelium

Theology Now -- Martin E. Marty

Baillie, Balthasar, Barth, Berdyaev, Bonhoeffer, Brunner, Bultmann—to mention only the “B-team,” were coin-of-the-realm giants in the mid-20th century theological revival. Add Niebuhr(s), Murray. Tillich and a few Liberation Theologians, and you will...

February 9, 2015

Cory Labrecque | Lynn White Jr. | climate change | global warming | ecologic crisis | PRRI | AAR | Catholicism | Forum on Religion and Ecology | National Religious Partnership for the Environment | Catholic Climate Covenant | Creation Justice Ministries | Evangelical Environmental Network | Interfaith Power and Light | Pope Francis | 2015 Encyclical on Ecology | Pope John Paul II | Pope Benedict

The Churches Warm Up to Climate Change -- Cory Labrecque

When climate change protesters marched on Wall Street last September, their charge was to bring attention to a global urgency that requires a deep and abiding transformation of the way we think about, invest in, and relate to the environment. Layi...

February 5, 2015

Martin Marty | religious pluralism | theology | Susan Ross | descript | Catholicism

Theology in a Pluralist Context

Theology in a Pluralist Context ...

February 2, 2015

Doniger | India | free speech | Hinduism | #JeSuisCharlie | censorship | blasphemy | British colonization | Bhagavad Gita | Krishna | Brahmo Samaj | Arya Samaj | Sanatana Dharma | Sanskritization | Indian Penal Code | Hindu Nationalism | Hindutva

#JeSuisCharlie: Blasphemy in Hinduism and Censorship in India

Free speech, under attack in France, is also contested in India, where violence ignited by videos or messages deemed “blasphemous” or “insulting” by orthodox Hindus has long been a reality. In 2014 alone, eighty-five religion-related attacks on the m...

January 22, 2015

Nyangweso | Female Genital Mutilation | FGM | Female Genital Cutting | FGC | Female circumcision | political correctness

Ending Female Genital Cutting: Is Political Correctness Getting in the Way?

Discussions about female genital cutting have been controversial because they are embedded in moral universalist and cultural relativist positions...

January 15, 2015