Sightings Articles

Ferguson | Advent | Michael Brown | Darren Wilson | dialogue

Ferguson Congregations "Lay It On the Table," Taking a Step Toward Honest Dialogue -- Rick Nutt

on Sunday, November 30, a remarkable and hopeful event happened without fanfare. ...

December 4, 2014

Pope Francis | Europe | Pope Benedict | Catholicism | Ferguson | Catholic decline

Malaise in Europe -- Martin E. Marty

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, some Americans remembered the religious and not-wholly-commercial base of this national holiday. The religious element bade citizens to look backward with thanks and forward with a spirit of newness and resolve. Yesterday,...

December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving | Fast Day | Pilgrim-Wampanoag celebration | Fourth of July | National Day of Prayer

On Thanksgiving Day, Remember Fast Day -- Dean Grodzins

Americans have forgotten Fast Day, although it once was as important a holiday as Thanksgiving. In fact, it was paired with Thanksgiving and considered its necessary complement.   Thanksgiving and Fast Day originated together in colonial New Englan...

November 27, 2014

Blase Cupich | Archbishop of Chicago | Archdiocese of Chicago

Archbishop Publicity

it is hard to resist comment on news of the nearby....

November 24, 2014

Renaud | income inequality | wealth inequality | class issues | food insecurity | tax rates | Great Recession | charity | activism | systemic change

Income and Wealth Inequality: Why Religion's Current Efforts Won't Cut It

When religious institutions turn their attention to legislation, legal codes, and regulations, they can effect change....

November 20, 2014

Mormons | Joseph Smith | polygamy | polyandry | Brigham Young

Mormon Issues

Sightings and comments....

November 17, 2014

democracy | Moral Monday | politics | political partisanship | civic solidarity | theology | public conversation | James Baldwin | Julien Benda | North Carolina | citizenship | society

Thinking Religion and Democracy in Dark Times -- Corey D. B. Walker

For many scholars and commentators, religion represents a unique challenge to democratic politics...

November 13, 2014

Millennials | Judaism | American Jews | Hillel

Jewish Millennials and Co.

Unaffiliated, unreachable, unmoved, unfazeable younger Americans, aged 18-23 in some cases, or “millennials” in others, have been in our sights this season as we observe religious trends. ...

November 10, 2014

class status | religious affiliation | denominationalism | power differentials | deep solidarity | working class | middle class | privileged class | Gospel of Prosperity

Religion, Class, and Denominationalism in the US

Ever since H. Richard Niebuhr’s book The Social Sources of Denominationalism (1929) there has been evidence that religious affiliation and class status are somehow connected....

November 6, 2014