Sightings Articles

theology | David Brooks | grace | Marilynne Robinson | Jeanne Bishop

Grace in the Media

Sightings will never lack subject-matter. ...

April 27, 2015

freedom of expression | Oliver Wendell Holmes | censorship | Voltaire | Louis Brandeis | blasphemy | Prophet Mohammad | Charlie Hebdo | Thomas Aquinas | Puritans | American Revolution | Enlightenment | Second Great Awakening | John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | US Supreme Court | Zineb El Rhazoui

"Charlie Hebdo's" Haunting Question: Should We Have the Right To Blaspheme?

Geoffrey Stone's comments were first delivered in early March when he introduced a University of Chicago event featuring Charlie Hebdo journalist, Zineb El Rhazoui....

April 23, 2015

Second Vatican Council | Catholicism | Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | Leadership Conference of Women Religious | Sharon Holland

Vatican and Sisters

Now and then I make visits, not visitations, to Catholic premises, usually university campuses. I started doing so in the years of the Second Vatican Council, some fifty years ago. At that time, a Protestant in such precincts was a bit unfamiliar, ev...

April 20, 2015

Women of the Wall | Temple Mount | Dome of the Rock | Western Wall | Ultra-Orthodox Jews | Yehuda Glick

Israel: Two Case Studies in Politics and Freedom of Religion

Two recent debates in Israel have drawn a lot of attention, raising questions about freedom of religion in cases in which the religious practices of one group directly impacts other groups. The first is a debate concerning the desire of Women of t...

April 9, 2015

Sue Halpern | Nicholas Carr | robots | automation | humanness | hope | machines | joblessness

Human Work in the Robots' Future

Human Work in the Robots' Future...

April 6, 2015

Christiana Peppard | Catholic Church | Detroit | U.N. | structural racism | environmental justice | water rights | Islamic Relief USA

Water: Economic Commodity or Human Right? -- Christiana Z. Peppard

Water is essential to biotic existence, and it is not a value-free substance, even as the availability of fresh, clean water is often taken for granted in the United States. In other parts of the world, billions of people lack potable water; their li...

April 2, 2015

Martin Marty | Philip Alcabes | curing | healing | health care | narrative medicine | Holy Week

Curing and Healing

“It is strange that healing is absent from medical discourse today. Cure, resolution, recovery, and rehabilitation retain semantic currency; you can find these words throughout the medical textbooks and professional health literature.” But, continues...

March 30, 2015