Sightings Articles

blasphemy | censorship | Doniger | Hinduism | India

Looking Back on My Run-in with Censorship in India

Ed. Note: The author has discussed other aspects of the story of her publishing experiences in India in The New York Review of Books (“India: Censorship by the Batra Brigade,” May 8, 2014); Sightings (“Prelude to Censorship: The Toleration of Blasphe...

October 1, 2018

Christianity | India | theology

The Expanded Spelling of "koinonia"

Though as an Indian I take a certain pride in the accomplishments of Indian American children, I generally do not follow closely the spelling bee contests where they emerge as winners in most years. Still, I could not help but take notice when fourte...

June 28, 2018

Jainism | cycle of death and rebirth | India | santhara | cosmos | karma

Life and Death Matters: The Cosmic Man

Three months ago, on August 10, the High Court of the state of Rajasthan in India ruled against the Jain community’s voluntary practice of meditating without food or water until death.Though this practice is held in high regard by the Jain community,...

October 29, 2015

blasphemy | India | Hinduism | Brahmins | Dharma | adharma | Manu | Kautilya | Arthashastra | James C. Scott | Materialists | Ramayana | Jabali | Rama | Kamasutra | bhakti | Islam

Prelude to Censorship: The Toleration of Blasphemy in Ancient India

India today is experiencing a powerful wave of censorship of literary texts, films, and artworks. Such a degree of repression is unprecedented in India, but it is rooted in concepts of blasphemy that underwent a number of changes throughout Indian hi...

May 21, 2015

Doniger | India | free speech | Hinduism | #JeSuisCharlie | censorship | blasphemy | British colonization | Bhagavad Gita | Krishna | Brahmo Samaj | Arya Samaj | Sanatana Dharma | Sanskritization | Indian Penal Code | Hindu Nationalism | Hindutva

#JeSuisCharlie: Blasphemy in Hinduism and Censorship in India

Free speech, under attack in France, is also contested in India, where violence ignited by videos or messages deemed “blasphemous” or “insulting” by orthodox Hindus has long been a reality. In 2014 alone, eighty-five religion-related attacks on the m...

January 22, 2015