Sightings Articles

Germany | WW II | democratization | Protestantism | Karl Barth | Richard Brickner | National Socialism | militarism | spirit of humanity

The Role of Religion in the Growth of Democracy in Germany

Over the next few weeks, Germany will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the peaceful revolution that re-unified the nation’s western and eastern halves and transformed the former Soviet-bloc German Democratic Republic into a free and democratic socie...

October 30, 2014

Southern Baptist Conference | Robert P. Jones | PRRI | Jose Ortega y Gasset | Evangelicals

Southern White Evangelical Decline -- Martin E. Marty

Southern Evangelicals Dwindling—and Take the GOP Edge With Them ...

October 27, 2014

Jodi Picoult | religious freedom | separation of church and state | fundamentalism | Muslim brotherhood | Gush Emunim | US Constitution

Religion Unites and Divides -- Martin E. Marty

“ISIS CRISIS.” . . . “EBOLA CRISIS” . . . “ECONOMIC WORRIES” . . . Headlines about these and others point to realities which often have religious dimensions. One of them is posed in a featured interview with Jodi Picoult, the novelist author of Leavi...

October 20, 2014

irony | Socrates | St. Paul | Lionel Trilling | Jane Austen | Abraham Lincoln | Reinhold Niebuhr

Irony as the Form of Wisdom, and Its Limit -- W. Clark Gilpin

Irony is one of the principal forms of wisdom, as wisdom has been understood in world philosophical and spiritual traditions.  Among the contributions of irony to wisdom traditions, perhaps the most important has been its counsel of humility with re...

October 16, 2014

How Not To Understand ISIS -- Alireza Doostdar

The group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant or simply the Islamic State (ISIL, ISIS, or IS) has attracted much attention in the past few months with its dramatic military gains in Syria and Iraq and with the recent U.S. decision to wa...

October 2, 2014

Pew Research Center | polls | first amendment | US Constitution | elections

Pseudo-Events Clash -- Martin E. Marty

On the border between events and pseudo-events....

September 29, 2014

ISIS | Islamiic State | IS | Syria | Iraq | Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi | Islam | Sykes Picot | Middle East | Mohammad | jihad | Mahdi | President Obama | sharia

For ISIS, the United States' Military Strikes Confirm God's Favor -- Jeffrey Kaplan

NOTE: This article seeks to present readers with the vision of the world as seen through the eyes of Islamic State fighters and their wider Muslim audiences, a perspective redolent with religious symbolism and a genuinely millenarian view of the regi...

September 25, 2014