Sightings Articles


political religion | politics | polls | Evangelicals

Why White Evangelicals Stuck with Trump

What polling data tells us about why White Evangelical support for Trump was undiminished in the 2020 election...

February 11, 2021

Evangelicals | gender

Rachel Held Evans, Gone and Soon Forgotten?

Christian feminist author Rachel Held Evans inspired fervent love (and fervent opposition) in her decade of public wrestling with faith. Her shocking death at age 37 prompted those who loved her to gather in the place where most of them met her, the...

May 16, 2019

Bible | Evangelicals

Faking the Bible

In each of these instances, those acquiring scroll fragments have made illuminating statements concerning their aims. ...

October 29, 2018

Evangelicalism | Evangelicals

Evangelical Identity Crises

The champion among contenders for a “crisis” of experience and identity these years is American evangelicalism, which was born from the crises of the eighteenth century, and has been part of the Protestant package ever since. Polls, the press, and fo...

February 19, 2018

CCCU | Evangelicals | higher education | LGBT rights | same-sex marriage

CCCU Tries to Thread the Needle

Issues of human sexuality continue to challenge evangelical Christian higher education organizations. As Martin E. Marty discussed in the October 17, 2016, issue of Sightings, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship recently announced a new policy to let g...

December 1, 2016

football | Evangelicals | Catholics | Mike Ditka | ethics


The morality of our national sport....

November 9, 2015

adultery | Evangelicals | hypocrisy | sin | hacking | Golden Rule

Ashley Madison

the Ashley Madison exposure.”...

September 7, 2015
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