Sightings Articles

James Samuel Logan | J. Cole | Michael Brown | Ferguson | Monica Miller | Anthony Pinn | Jeffrey Stout | Five Percent Nation | Wise Intelligent | turntablism | New Jim Crow

(Everywhere) Ferguson and the Socio-Religious Challenge of Hip Hop Culture

Arising out of the 1970s Black/Brown youth-cultured streets of the South Bronx, Hip Hop has emerged to signify a religious and civic politics of human storytelling in the service of undoing deleterious police actions, which are visited upon Black and...

March 19, 2015

Ferguson | Advent | Michael Brown | Darren Wilson | dialogue

Ferguson Congregations "Lay It On the Table," Taking a Step Toward Honest Dialogue -- Rick Nutt

on Sunday, November 30, a remarkable and hopeful event happened without fanfare. ...

December 4, 2014

Pope Francis | Europe | Pope Benedict | Catholicism | Ferguson | Catholic decline

Malaise in Europe -- Martin E. Marty

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, some Americans remembered the religious and not-wholly-commercial base of this national holiday. The religious element bade citizens to look backward with thanks and forward with a spirit of newness and resolve. Yesterday,...

December 1, 2014