Sightings Articles


Great Awakening | Second Great Awakening | nones | Millennials

The Great American Slumber?

Are we experiencing the opposite of a “Great Awakening” in the U.S. today?...

November 25, 2019


Where the Millennials Are

In his Sightings column published on Monday, December 11, Martin Marty invites readers to attend to the “movements in the hearts” of millennials, rather than settling for obvious interpretations about their reputed absence from our pews: “Hard news a...

January 11, 2018


The Hearts of Millennials

As longtime readers of Sightings will know, a quotation from José Ortega y Gasset about “decisive historical changes” has been decisive for my own work as an historian. I’ll cite it today both as an introduction to this week’s “sighting” of millennia...

December 11, 2017

An American Conscience | Martin Heinecken | Millennials | public theology | Reinhold Niebuhr

Niebuhr and the Situation

Millennials are often accused of whatever particular accusers want to assign to their victims of choice. One charge, among so many others, is that they do not know or care about history. Teachers of undergraduates note how frequently they find their ...

April 3, 2017

age | church leadership | difference | Millennials | Mormons

Mormon Leadership

“Leaked Videos Pull Back Curtain on…” were six words placed above a New York Times story on Friday. Readers are used to such tantalizers and might ask, “… on whom? On Celebrities… Magnates… Professional Athletes… Entertainers… Politicians…?” Such lur...

October 10, 2016

Millennials | Judaism | American Jews | Hillel

Jewish Millennials and Co.

Unaffiliated, unreachable, unmoved, unfazeable younger Americans, aged 18-23 in some cases, or “millennials” in others, have been in our sights this season as we observe religious trends. ...

November 10, 2014