Sightings Articles

Kondo and Kuyō: Disposal as a Religious Experience?
What's religious (and what's not) about KonMari?...
February 14, 2019

AlphaGo's Victory Over Korean Go-Master Showcases Western vs. Neo-Confucian Values
In a historical milestone for Artificial Intelligence (AI), AlphaGo, an updated (General) AI developed by Google’s DeepMind unit, challenged Korean Go grandmaster Lee Sedol, and handily won, 4 to 1. Go is a game with a nearly infinite number of possi...
June 23, 2016

When It Comes to Gender Equality, Religion in Japan Lags Behind
Religion in Japan still lags far behind Japanese politics when it comes to gender equality. The World Assembly for Women (WAW!) convened in Tokyo last August, and, although it focused on the protection of women against violence and discrimination,...
January 7, 2016

Japanese Religions and the Issue of "Comfort Women"
Last month, Japan marked the 70 years which have passed since its World War II surrender to Allied Powers in 1945. Less known is that twenty-four years have passed since former Japanese military “comfort women” came forward for the first time and sue...
September 10, 2015

Musing on the Dharma through a Flower: A Medieval Japanese Arhat from the Smart Museum
Upon closer examination......