Sightings Articles

Martin Marty | Philip Alcabes | curing | healing | health care | narrative medicine | Holy Week

Curing and Healing

“It is strange that healing is absent from medical discourse today. Cure, resolution, recovery, and rehabilitation retain semantic currency; you can find these words throughout the medical textbooks and professional health literature.” But, continues...

March 30, 2015

Martin Marty | Roman Catholicism | American Latinos | Pentecostalism | Central America | South America | secularism | American religious complex

Catholic Hispanics Defect

The Chicago media is full of stories about a Latino candidate for mayor, and keep Latinos on our minds. We decided to go national/international....

March 23, 2015

Martin Marty | Walter Bruegemann | Everett Fox | Book of Joshua | James C. Howell | Amy-Jill Levine | Lost | Luke 15 | Prodigal Son

Lost in Translation -- Martin E. marty

“Religion in American (etc.) Public Life” is our rubric and we sight references to it at least weekly. So what business do we have lifting up, from a single magazine, two reviews of books about ancient Hebrew prophets and New Testament parables? What...

March 9, 2015

Martin Marty | Pope Francis | Protestants | Second Vatican Council | Pentecostalism | Evangelicalism | papacy | Anti-Christ

Pope Francis

Depressed, weary, or frightened by stories of USIS and ISIS and other horrors, plus by debates over “religious extremism” and the role of Islam, we focus instead on the not-unimportant figure of Pope Francis, who makes news and inspires reflection. W...

February 23, 2015

Martin Marty | German-Americans | Lutherans | assimilation | Angela Merkel | Francois Hollande

The Silent Minority

America’s largest ethnic group has assimilated so well that people barely notice it. So ran a headline in The Economist (Feb 7)....

February 16, 2015

Martin Marty | decolonize | homogenization | heteronormativity | feminist studies | queer studies | Carter Heyward | Robert Shore-Goss | Gary David Comstock | Graham Ward | Elizabeth Johnson | Pope Francis | sensus fidelium

Theology Now -- Martin E. Marty

Baillie, Balthasar, Barth, Berdyaev, Bonhoeffer, Brunner, Bultmann—to mention only the “B-team,” were coin-of-the-realm giants in the mid-20th century theological revival. Add Niebuhr(s), Murray. Tillich and a few Liberation Theologians, and you will...

February 9, 2015

Martin Marty | religious pluralism | theology | Susan Ross | descript | Catholicism

Theology in a Pluralist Context

Theology in a Pluralist Context ...

February 2, 2015