Sightings Articles

Millennials | Judaism | American Jews | Hillel

Jewish Millennials and Co.

Unaffiliated, unreachable, unmoved, unfazeable younger Americans, aged 18-23 in some cases, or “millennials” in others, have been in our sights this season as we observe religious trends. ...

November 10, 2014

Southern Baptist Conference | Robert P. Jones | PRRI | Jose Ortega y Gasset | Evangelicals

Southern White Evangelical Decline -- Martin E. Marty

Southern Evangelicals Dwindling—and Take the GOP Edge With Them ...

October 27, 2014

Jodi Picoult | religious freedom | separation of church and state | fundamentalism | Muslim brotherhood | Gush Emunim | US Constitution

Religion Unites and Divides -- Martin E. Marty

“ISIS CRISIS.” . . . “EBOLA CRISIS” . . . “ECONOMIC WORRIES” . . . Headlines about these and others point to realities which often have religious dimensions. One of them is posed in a featured interview with Jodi Picoult, the novelist author of Leavi...

October 20, 2014

Pew Research Center | polls | first amendment | US Constitution | elections

Pseudo-Events Clash -- Martin E. Marty

On the border between events and pseudo-events....

September 29, 2014

Stanley Hauerwas | William Willimon | Christian Century | Mainline Protestants | Christology | Christian witness | liberal Christianity

Resident Aliens

the fast-changing world of religious life and publishing today....

September 22, 2014

Hillsong Church | megachurches | Michael Paulson | Evangelicals | Millenials

Hillsong -- Martin E. Marty

“Hillsong.” Never heard of Hillsong, the Australian Pentecostal megachurch? Readers of the New York Times have no excuse to be in the dark, thanks to the (Sept. 9) headlined story, “Megachurch with a Beat Lures a Young Flock.” The Times’ main reli...

September 15, 2014

Drift Away -- Martin E. Marty

Smart-crack responses will not get one very far. Thus, when asked, “Are you a member of the organized church?” I can look at the chaos of polities and answer, “No, I am a Lutheran.” Then: “Do you believe in institutional religion?” I can answer, “may...

September 8, 2014