Sightings Articles

Larycia Hawkins | Wheaton College | hijab | ISIS | Miroslav Volf | God

Tolerance and Truth(s)

upheavals at suburban Wheaton College...

December 21, 2015

Catholicism | Vatican II | religious freedom | Dignitatis Humanae

"Religious Freedom" After 50 Years?

December 7th: Sightings notes the date because fifty years ago today, by a vote of 2,308 to 70, the “Council Fathers” at the Second Vatican Council voted to promulgate Dignitatis Humanae, “On the Dignity of the Human Person.”Regarded as one of the ma...

December 7, 2015

Eastern Orthodoxy | Orthodox Christian Studies Center

Public Orthodoxy

When a message from Public Orthodoxy reaches us, we read it and resolve to do better at sighting Eastern Orthodoxy for this e-column. The subtitle of Public Orthodoxy is “Bridging the Ecclesial, the Academic and the Political,” which points to three ...

November 16, 2015

football | Evangelicals | Catholics | Mike Ditka | ethics


The morality of our national sport....

November 9, 2015

Southern Baptist Convention | missionary | foreign missions

Missionaries Come Home

Newspeople and commentators outside the South ordinarily pay little attention to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). They find little reason to notice this church body if they are geographically remote from, or see the SBC as remote from public af...

November 2, 2015

Catholicism | culture wars | globalization | GLBTQ rights | global church

Christians Fighting Christians

Contemporary Disputes in Christianity...

October 19, 2015

confession | repentance | Catholic Church | David Brooks | post-Vatican II

Confession Today

A mission of Sightings and the special mission assigned me here is to relate faith and faiths, as mediated by media, to public life. ...

October 12, 2015