Sightings Articles

Paula Fox Z"L

disability rights | Coronavirus | Supreme Court

Pandemic, Disability, and Worship Practices: What Next?

The debates around in-person worship services callously neglect worshippers with disabilities...

December 14, 2020
tsar holler

Russia | Orthodoxy | right-wing | sacralization of politics

Putin's American Comrades and Our Post-Truth Moment

The recent growth of Russian Orthodoxy in Appalachia has roots in the Kremlin's disinformation campaigns...

December 10, 2020
Baby Yoda

pop culture | science fiction

Religion and Isolation in The Mandalorian

Baby Yoda, helmets, and a mysterious tradition serve as a lens for understanding our current state of estrangement....

December 7, 2020

Christian Right | political religion | Donald Trump

When Christ and Trump are Kings

Twin chants at a recent Trump rally shed light on the religious right's push towards nationalism...

December 3, 2020
1914 AG presbytery

Assemblies of God | missionary | American Latinos | identity politics

"The Latinx Vote" as Mission Field

The idea of the cultural homogeneity of Spanish-speaking immigrants to the US bears traces of missionary endeavors a century ago...

November 30, 2020
Lincoln Proclamation

Thanksgiving | political religion | repentance

Longing for a Real Thanksgiving

This year's lonely holiday offers a chance for national repentance...

November 26, 2020

political partisanship | political parties | political religion

Party On, America?

The concept of loyalty offers hope for our democracy—but only a loyalty that transcends party spirit...

November 23, 2020
visser't hooft

WW II | Christian Right | political religion | Holocaust

Is Reconciliation Possible in our Religiously Polarized Moment?

History shows that the damage done by Christian Nationalism cannot be repaired from within a religious framework alone...

November 19, 2020
Pope Francis

Pope Francis | Catholicism | social justice | conservatism

Catholicism and its Disconnects

The most recent Papal encyclical highlights longstanding fault lines in contemporary Catholicism...

November 16, 2020
statue of khan

Sufism | Coronavirus | WW II

Solitary Refinement

What a Sufi spy from WWII can teach us about pandemic isolation ...

November 12, 2020