Sightings Articles

A Year to Mask and Unmask
What the pandemic has concealed and revealed about the conditions of possibility for our society...
June 28, 2021

A Tale of Two Classrooms: Impressions of an Academic Year
Even in extraordinary times, Dickens reminds us to exercise caution around superlatives...
June 21, 2021

Think Again: Religion in the Wake of the Pandemic
Covid has given us a chance to rethink and reinvigorate our traditions, and we cannot afford to waste it...
June 14, 2021

A Community Near and Far
What the failure of the European Super League can teach religious communities...
May 20, 2021

Return to Life
As we slowly re-emerge from a very difficult year, William James's pragmatism offers some wisdom...
May 10, 2021

A Paean for Paradise: Baseball Season
Eliade's sacred time and America's favorite pastime...