Sightings Articles

laicite protest

France | Islam | Islam of France | secularism | colonialism

The Problem with Freedom from Religion

Laïcité must reckon with the continuing impact of French colonial history ...

March 8, 2021

Israel | Hebrew Bible | political religion | right-wing | White evangelical Christians

Revisiting Jericho

The Biblical exegesis of violence in America and Israel...

March 4, 2021
HW Bush

Islam | France | Communism | right-wing


The Cold War origins of anti-Islamic rhetoric...

March 1, 2021

political religion | history | American exceptionalism

The 1776 Report: Mind the (Religion) Gap

The revealing omissions in Trump's revisionist history of American Christianity ...

February 25, 2021
frieze of prophets

prophets | #blacklivesmatter | Donald Trump

Time in a Prophetic Frame

Many voices in America today claim the mantle of prophecy; the differences between them are illuminating...

February 22, 2021

Judaism | Coronavirus | Community

All Israel is Bound Together

Conversion and accessibility in the digital age...

February 18, 2021

Religion and Literature | American Civil War | Myth

The Mythology and Mythologies of the Great American Novel

The roots and dangers of the quest for America's literary masterpiece...

February 15, 2021

political religion | politics | polls | Evangelicals

Why White Evangelicals Stuck with Trump

What polling data tells us about why White Evangelical support for Trump was undiminished in the 2020 election...

February 11, 2021
protest sign

American Civil War | white supremacy | memorial | US history

Monuments, Memorials, and the Resacralization of Space

The landscape of public space shapes collective understandings of the past...

February 8, 2021
Biden Oath

political religion | Rituals | Community

The Blessed Return of Going Through the Motions

President Biden's inauguration and the rituals of normalcy...

February 4, 2021