Sightings Articles

A white person dressed in black sitting in a black chair against a teal and white backdrop

Decolonization | hope | Media | imagination

The Sandman and Decolonializing Hope

The critically acclaimed Netflix show The Sandman addresses the transformational power of hope and imagination....

November 29, 2022
A road sign with an arrow pointing left has been altered with graffiti to point right

adaptation | Coronavirus | obituaries | imagination

Think Again: Religion in the Wake of the Pandemic

Covid has given us a chance to rethink and reinvigorate our traditions, and we cannot afford to waste it...

June 14, 2021

Midwest | decline | rural life | imagination | adaptation | enterprise

The Ups and Downs of Religion

Those (of us) who do sightings of religion in public life are schooled to notice not only the “what” of religious phenomena and happenings, but also the “where” of each....

January 25, 2016