Sightings Articles

obituary | Katie Roiphe | Violet Hour | Susan Sontag | John Updike | James Salter | Maurice Sendak | David Rieff

Death Books

Religion in political campaigns, church-state controversies, clerical abuse scandals, and abortion arguments, received due (and over-due?) attention in the media for another week. Having sighted more than enough items in those now-familiar fields, we...

March 7, 2016

Nancy Jo Sales | teenagers | Apple | iPhones | selfies | pornography | Daniel Boorstin

Social Media

Sometimes an observation of quiet despair in the lives of many people—not necessarily the mass of them—is inspired by subtly voiced phrases. ...

February 29, 2016

Chicago Archdiocese | St. Adalbert Church | Catholicism | suburban churches | Blase Cupich

Closing and Reopening Sanctuaries

“Trending Now…” is a familiar category in pop culture. ...

February 22, 2016

gravitational waves | theory of relativity | science vs. religion | evolution vs. creation | Raymond Nogar | Lord of the Absurd


Even bigger news this week than U.S. presidential campaigns came from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, a group of over 1000 scientists who have been working to detect ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves.Dennis Overbye, in ...

February 15, 2016

Southern Baptists | Russell Moore | Jonathan Merritt | Southern Baptist Convention | Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Southern Baptists

Recent on-line religion stories bout Southern Baptists....

February 8, 2016

What Makes 'Religion' News?

January ended with a fifth Sunday, a calendar item that occasionally prompts an appraisal of what gets covered and what public-media assessors of the scene assume their publics will find of interest. While Monday’s Sightings pay close attention to...

February 1, 2016

Midwest | decline | rural life | imagination | adaptation | enterprise

The Ups and Downs of Religion

Those (of us) who do sightings of religion in public life are schooled to notice not only the “what” of religious phenomena and happenings, but also the “where” of each....

January 25, 2016

Anglican Communion | Episcopal Church | global South | same-sex marriage

Fractured Christian World(s)

Look at medieval maps of Europe, urges Robert D. Kaplan in the Wall Street Journal (see "Resources" below) and you will be overwhelmed by the dizzying incoherence—all of those empires, kingdoms, confederations, “minor” states, “upper” this and “lower...

January 18, 2016

Islam | Charlie Hebdo | Jesus | Saudi Arabia


Rethinking blasphemy...

January 11, 2016

Seekers | Spirituality | nones | Deepak Chopra | Ram Das | Marianne Williamson

Post-Religious, Post-Spirituality Seekers

Asking questions about new spirituality...

January 4, 2016