Sightings Articles

Evangelicalism | suburban churches

God’s Commission: Evangelical Finance in Suburbia

Evangelical megachurches in suburban Chicagoland have faced serious challenges of late, and none more notable than the recent fall of Bill Hybels at South Barrington’s Willow Creek Community Church—a pastor and his flock fairly credited with paradigm...

June 2, 2019

church attendance | consumerism | rural life | suburban churches | U.S. religion


Tradition compels us to close shop at Sightings for August, but we hope and intend to be back to greet September, ff., with you. However, we keep thinking of one special fact in the human condition and situation: sooner or later, every thing on earth...

July 31, 2017

Chicago Archdiocese | St. Adalbert Church | Catholicism | suburban churches | Blase Cupich

Closing and Reopening Sanctuaries

“Trending Now…” is a familiar category in pop culture. ...

February 22, 2016