Sightings Articles

Enlightenment Religion in the Private and Public Bibles of Thomas Jefferson
For Thomas Jefferson, the human being's responsibility was to extricate and celebrate good religion....
February 29, 2024

The Affair of the Sausages and Religious Freedom
Five hundred years ago today, some Swiss people ate sausages. This was a major event in the history of Christianity....
March 8, 2022

Christian Apocalypse in Pandemic-Stricken South Korea
Christianity in South Korea will never be the same post-pandemic....
December 9, 2021

Sunday Mournings
Sunday worship was valorized as something it was not, but the “new normal” could turn out to be something that warrants renewed hope....
October 7, 2021

Sunday Is ...
Are traditional holy days still something more than just any other day?...
January 13, 2020

The Expanded Spelling of "koinonia"
Though as an Indian I take a certain pride in the accomplishments of Indian American children, I generally do not follow closely the spelling bee contests where they emerge as winners in most years. Still, I could not help but take notice when fourte...
June 28, 2018

Douglas John Hall, Celebrating Ninety Years
The year 1928 was a good one for theologians. In addition to the esteemed Professor Marty, the Canadian theologian Douglas John Hall celebrated his ninetieth birthday on March 23. Hall was born in Ingersoll, Ontario; attended high school and business...
April 26, 2018

Parades, Peeps, and Paradoxes
Easter parades survive in classic Hollywood films, on the avenues near cathedrals (which paraders pass but rarely frequent), in peeps, and in song. Seldom is there a trace of connection to the religious event which prompts Easter celebrations. Eviden...
April 2, 2018

In Search of a Rectification of Names
After eighty years, the college fellowship that I attended as an undergraduate at Princeton has altered its name. “Princeton Evangelical Fellowship” is gone, replaced by “Princeton Christian Fellowship.” I was not surprised or annoyed. The original t...