Sightings Articles

Catholic Church | sexual abuse | confession

A Firm Purpose of Amendment

A dimension of our public life that is in one respect readily sighted yet in another perhaps too easily slighted is the repetitive nature of certain specific forms of violence and violation that disrupt civic life. Shootings in schools and various pu...

November 19, 2018

Augustine of Hippo | confession | Donald Trump | humility | Rudy Giuliani

"A Hypothetical Miracle That Could Occur": Rudy's Augustine and Trump's Future

Surely one of the stranger moments of the recently completed U.S. presidential election season was when, on Sunday, October 9th, 2016, Rudy Giuliani compared Donald Trump to Augustine of Hippo. Speaking to John Dickerson on CBS’s Face the Nation, Giu...

November 17, 2016

confession | repentance | Catholic Church | David Brooks | post-Vatican II

Confession Today

A mission of Sightings and the special mission assigned me here is to relate faith and faiths, as mediated by media, to public life. ...

October 12, 2015
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