Sightings Articles


Puerto Rican Artists Shine Light on American Carnage

For two years Puerto Rico was illuminated from within. A curious work of art, located deep inside a limestone cave, deserved to be considered “religious” for multiple reasons. Reframing a remote rock formation rich with traces of indigenous history a...

May 10, 2018

Prayer Rattles Speaker Ryan, but House Chaplain Gets to Stay in Politics

Yawn, if you will. A chaplain, usually seen as a quiet fixture in the house—in this case, the House, whose occupants legislate in Washington—was mentioned in headlines last week. Easily overlooked in his clerical gear, he usually stays out of the new...

May 7, 2018

health care | white evangelicals

Why White Evangelicals Are Wrong About Obamacare

Editor's Note: This essay responds to the "Three Reasons White Evangelicals Hate Obamacare" critically analyzed by Myriam Renaud in her April 12 article for Sightings. It is reasonable to think that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (...

May 3, 2018

Canada | Catholic Church | Max Scheler | Pope Francis | Roman Catholicism

Apologies to Native People

One would expect a headline beginning “A Pope Given to Apologies…” to be followed by a journalistic story which is likely to quicken the interest of readers. Pope Francis has made many headlines over stories which focus on the recipients of such apol...

April 30, 2018

Canada | Christianity | theology

Douglas John Hall, Celebrating Ninety Years

The year 1928 was a good one for theologians. In addition to the esteemed Professor Marty, the Canadian theologian Douglas John Hall celebrated his ninetieth birthday on March 23. Hall was born in Ingersoll, Ontario; attended high school and business...

April 26, 2018

American Latinos | Catholic Church | Catholicism | Catholics

Our Latino Neighbors

Who is my neighbor? That question is asked of Jesus in the Gospels. “Neighbor” can mean someone who lives nearby, and this question about physical proximities and distances gets answered first by demographers. Television in our city, Chicago, once up...

April 23, 2018

Catholic Church | Catholicism | Catholics | Pope Francis | Roman Catholicism | Ross Douthat

Papal Polarities

“Will Pope Francis Cause a Schism in the Catholic Church?” That headline in The New Yorker (April 16) is subheaded: “In his new book, ‘To Change the Church,’ the Times columnist Ross Douthat critiques the Pontiff.” Such an opener requires some backgr...

April 16, 2018

health care | white evangelicals

Three Reasons White Evangelicals Hate Obamacare

Last year, Republican lawmakers—with the support of many white evangelical Christians—found ways to undermine Obamacare. In Iowa, where evangelicals are a potent force, the governor recently approved legislation allowing insurers to sell cheaper plan...

April 12, 2018

Mormon Church | Mormons

Mormon Moves

Newspaper or magazine editors who headline items with words like “General Conference” or “Synod” or “Annual Meeting” know they have to fight for readers’ attention. Too bad, since much that can be of significance to nonmembers of denominations does o...

April 9, 2018