Sightings Articles


Baby boomers

Memory Full: Boomers and the Art of Never Going Away

How an aging generation is preserving its youthfulness ... forever...

January 20, 2020

United Methodists | LGBTQ

United Methodist Schism and the ‘Protocol’ of 2020

What does the most recent proposal for splitting the UMC actually achieve?...

January 15, 2020

Christianity | worship | secularism

Sunday Is ...

Are traditional holy days still something more than just any other day?...

January 13, 2020

Iran | Just War | religious ethics | Donald Trump

General Suleimani, U.S. Policy, and Jus ad Vim

Why we need a better way of talking about the use of “force short of war”...

January 9, 2020

Iran | religious ethics

How War Bypasses Morality

Examining how wartime decisions often end up violating our ethical beliefs about war...

January 6, 2020

Advent | political religion

Disruptive Religion

Why we sometimes need religion to offend us and disturb the status quo...

January 2, 2020


Everything’s on Sale: Appropriations of Religion

A sighting of the unseen forces of religion at work during the holidays and what they tell us about this age...

December 23, 2019

Judaism | Anti-Semitism | Jews

Jews and Judaism, Religion and Identity

Placing President Trump's executive order to combat anti-Semitism in the long history of debates about Jewish identity...

December 19, 2019

Donald Trump | Anti-Semitism | Judaism | politics

Free Speech in Poetry and in Prose

What the President's executive order to combat anti-Semitism teaches us about the abuse and misunderstanding of free speech...

December 16, 2019

Technology | Social Media

Dopamine Fasting: Silicon Valley’s Not-So-New Trend

Does the new practice of dopamine fasting have religious roots?...

December 11, 2019