Sightings Articles

King Cotton
The United Methodist Church's roots witness against Cotton's attack on critical history...
September 3, 2020
United Methodist Schism and the ‘Protocol’ of 2020
What does the most recent proposal for splitting the UMC actually achieve?...
January 15, 2020
“And a Child Shall Lead Them”
Recently, eight teenagers went through confirmation classes at a United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, and when the time came for them to join the church, they said thanks, but no thanks. Instead, on Easter Sunday, they read a letter to their c...
May 9, 2019
Meanwhile, United Methodists...
Editor's note: Sightings will be taking a short break for the Thanksgiving holiday. We'll be back Thursday, December 1st! Give us Sightings folks a headline with the phrase “Public Church” in it, and we are poised to follow through. The Center fro...
November 21, 2016