Sightings Articles

Tom Cotton

slavery | politics | political religion | United Methodists

King Cotton

The United Methodist Church's roots witness against Cotton's attack on critical history...

September 3, 2020

United Methodists | LGBTQ

United Methodist Schism and the ‘Protocol’ of 2020

What does the most recent proposal for splitting the UMC actually achieve?...

January 15, 2020

United Methodists | LGBTQ

“And a Child Shall Lead Them”

Recently, eight teenagers went through confirmation classes at a United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, and when the time came for them to join the church, they said thanks, but no thanks. Instead, on Easter Sunday, they read a letter to their c...

May 9, 2019

ecumenism | Paul Ramsey | Public Church | Social Gospel | Stanley Hauerwas | United Methodists

Meanwhile, United Methodists...

Editor's note: Sightings will be taking a short break for the Thanksgiving holiday. We'll be back Thursday, December 1st! Give us Sightings folks a headline with the phrase “Public Church” in it, and we are poised to follow through. The Center fro...

November 21, 2016