Sightings Articles




Is anti-Catholicism on the rise once again in the U.S.?...

December 9, 2019

conscientious objectors | religious freedom | religious ethics

Conscience: Its Use and Abuse

How John Henry Newman helps us guard against the political abuse of conscience for religious beliefs...

December 5, 2019

Christmas | Max Weber | Civil Religion

Christmas Movies and the Religious Dimensions of Story Structure

Can religion help settle the debate about whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie?...

December 2, 2019

Great Awakening | Second Great Awakening | nones | Millennials

The Great American Slumber?

Are we experiencing the opposite of a “Great Awakening” in the U.S. today?...

November 25, 2019


The Achievement of David Tracy

David Tracy's most recent work formulates a future for theology...

November 21, 2019

immigration | refugees | politics

“Loving Justice” and the Refugees at Our Border

Does religion offer an alternative to the economic notions of justice that dominate how we think about the refugee crisis facing America?...

November 18, 2019

veterans | citizenship | Civil Religion

What to the Immigrant is Veterans Day?

John Sianghio reflects on the complicated nature of American identity for immigrants today...

November 14, 2019

Cultivating the Good in Our ‘Mass of Habits’

Martin Marty reflects on new (and old) advice for changing our habits...

November 11, 2019

Donald Trump | politics | Evangelicalism | Christian Right | Pentecostalism

Paula White and the Mainstreaming of American Pentecostalism

Trump's appointment of Paula White is an indicator of shifting lines within the Christian right...

November 7, 2019
Peace Prize


How to Win a Nobel Peace Prize

Who wins the Nobel Peace Prize? And what does it teach us about the last century?...

November 4, 2019