Sightings Articles


art | George Floyd | Race and religion

We Need Art to Help Us Heal, Now More than Ever

An invitation to process pain and to heal through the viewing and contemplation of contemporary Black art...

June 4, 2020

George Floyd | Race and religion | protests

Vandals and the Hands of Christ in the World

Exploring what Christian theology might have to say about the looting and vandalism that has accompanied many protests around the country...

June 4, 2020

Coronavirus | Augustine of Hippo

Time in Coronatide: Why We’re Not Actually Living in Groundhog Day

Exploring how our experience of time is altered by the pandemic and what reflecting on ‘pandemic time’ (with some help from Augustine) might teach us ...

May 28, 2020

politics | religious ethics

Liberty Divided

Exploring the battle over one of the nation's founding ideals...

May 25, 2020

Civil Religion | Coronavirus

Commencement 2020: Let the Adulting Begin

What do this year's graduation ceremonies, hallmark rituals of American civil religion, reveal about the state of our collective soul?...

May 21, 2020

conspiracy theories | Donald Trump | political religion

Playing the Ostrich; or, How Not to Think about QAnon

American conspiracy theories and the task of the scholar of religion...

May 18, 2020
Pete B

Presidential primary | 2020 Presidential Election | Race and religion | LGBT rights | gay marriage

The Black Church and LGBTQ People: Lessons Learned from #dems2020

Interrogating the intersection of race, religion, and LGBTQ rights in the South Carolina Democratic primary...

May 14, 2020

Coronavirus | Jose Ortega y Gasset

Cultural Disruptions

Martin Marty on the importance of seeking out stories of human goodness in the darkest days...

May 11, 2020

Coronavirus | Reinhold Niebuhr

We Need Fewer Heroes

Exploring the tension between our praise of everyday heroes and the social instability that necessitates them...

May 8, 2020