Sightings Articles

Protestantism; America; Robert P. Jones; Public Religion Research Institute; United States; majority

White Protestant America

"Everybody’s talking about . . . ,” in this case, white Protestant America’s posture and place in politics, events, culture, and more. This summer “everybody” is, or at least quite a few people are, talking and blogging about the capitali...

July 18, 2016

Noah's Ark | Young Earth | Creationism | Bill Nye | Ken Ham | Ark Encounter

Ken Ham and Bill Nye: Round Two

Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham and Bill Nye “The Science Guy” have squared off again. After having publicly debated in 2014, the two met again on July 8 at Ham’s newly-opened Ark Encounter, a $100 million Kentucky theme park built upon a literalisti...

July 14, 2016

Brexit | Europe | European Union | EU

The Democratic Secularization of a Political Religion – Another View on Brexit

When Zhou Enlai was asked about the implications of the French Revolution, he famously said: ”Too early to tell.” This is only an anecdote and  “Brexit” is certainly not a historical event on the scale of the French Revolution, but without any doubt,...

July 8, 2016

Orthodox Council; Crete; divided church

A Holy and Small Great Council

Those of us who have great regard for many aspects of the Orthodox Church can this week go back to showing that regard mainly by appreciating and displaying the visual beauties of icons and art work from the Orthodox tradition. We can return to liste...

July 5, 2016

Brexit; Europe; European Union

The Ethics of Brexit?

The vote by the people of Great Britain to leave the European Union (EU)—the so-called “Brexit”—had immediate, profound, and troubling results. The UK is in tatters despite the plea of politicians for everyone to “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Not only di...

June 30, 2016

Fundamentalism Project | R. Scott Appleby | Brexit | European Union | elites | dissenters | Harold Isaacs | Idols of the Tribe | immigration | Pope Francis | Armenia | Turkey | ecumenism | interfaith movements

Convulsive Ingatherings

The text for our mid-year, mid-decade Sightings has been with us from the beginnings of The Fundamentalism Project of the American Academy of Arts and Science...

June 27, 2016

artificial intelligence | Confucianism | Neo-Confucianism | Dao | Neo-Dao | Silk Road | East Asia | China | Japan | South Korea | Karl Barth | humanity | Technology

AlphaGo's Victory Over Korean Go-Master Showcases Western vs. Neo-Confucian Values

In a historical milestone for Artificial Intelligence (AI), AlphaGo, an updated (General) AI developed by Google’s DeepMind unit, challenged Korean Go grandmaster Lee Sedol, and handily won, 4 to 1. Go is a game with a nearly infinite number of possi...

June 23, 2016

Orlando shootings | Charleston murders | anti-Muslim speech | Lewis Coser | Georg Simmel | haters | Else Frenkel-Brunswick | John Dewey

Hate is Mobile

Three week-end stories about mass murders help frame crisis issues. The first recalls the murders of nine blacks in and during church in Charleston, South Carolina, exactly one year ago by a white supremacist. (New York Times, June 16). The same pape...

June 20, 2016