Sightings Articles

“Loving Justice” and the Refugees at Our Border
Does religion offer an alternative to the economic notions of justice that dominate how we think about the refugee crisis facing America?...
November 18, 2019
Critique of Purity
At the time of this writing, the partial government shutdown, now the longest in U.S. history, is entering its fifth week. President Trump once declared he would “proudly” take responsibility (bear the “mantle”) for the shutdown. But in characteristi...
January 24, 2019
The Apostle and the AG
Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended the Trump administration’s then policy of separating children from their parents at the southwestern border of the United States in a speech in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on June 14. Within that speech he made a brie...
June 21, 2018
Furies over Immigration
When writing for Sightings I can look down from our residence window on two cathedral towers. A century ago, in the years after the Chicago Fire of 1871, those towers towered over a rebuilt cityscape, still of low-rise buildings. Cathedrals dominated...
January 16, 2017
Convulsive Ingatherings
The text for our mid-year, mid-decade Sightings has been with us from the beginnings of The Fundamentalism Project of the American Academy of Arts and Science...
June 27, 2016