Sightings Articles

Orlando shootings | Charleston murders | anti-Muslim speech | Lewis Coser | Georg Simmel | haters | Else Frenkel-Brunswick | John Dewey

Hate is Mobile

Three week-end stories about mass murders help frame crisis issues. The first recalls the murders of nine blacks in and during church in Charleston, South Carolina, exactly one year ago by a white supremacist. (New York Times, June 16). The same pape...

June 20, 2016

9/11 | John Dewey | inter-religious | creation | humanity | peace

Thirteen Years Later: Hearing Music on September 11 -- Joyce Shin

Like many people who were old enough to understand what was happening, I can recall exactly where I was and what I was doing when news reached me of the events in New York City on September 11, 2001.   I was attending a monthly meeting in the Chaplai...

September 11, 2014