Sightings Articles


immigration | refugees | politics

“Loving Justice” and the Refugees at Our Border

Does religion offer an alternative to the economic notions of justice that dominate how we think about the refugee crisis facing America?...

November 18, 2019

Hannah Arendt | nationalism | refugees | suicide | World War II

Reading Arendt, Connecting the Dots

You may remember a moment during this news-saturated summer when suicide was atop the national headlines. Two famous people, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, took their lives days apart, and for a brief period the events of the Trump administration g...

September 6, 2018

David Brooks | Donald Trump | Mark Lilla | refugees | Steve Bannon | Women's March on Washington

Rock, Paper, Scissors

With each passing day since the inauguration of Donald Trump the news cycle gets more punishing. Power is consolidated within the executive branch. The three-headed monster of authoritarianism, fear mongering and intimidation takes another step on it...

February 9, 2017

Syria | refugees | immigrants | Catholic Relief Services | Lutheran Immigration and Relief Services | World Council of Churches | Jonathan Sacks | World Jewish Relief | Pope Francis

Refugee Crisis

The floods of ocean waters in tsunamis occasioned by earthquakes and the floods of humans as refugees occasioned by deathly regimes, revolutions, and food-and-shelter shortages, dominated recent headlines....

September 21, 2015