Sightings Articles

Southern Baptist Convention | missionary | foreign missions

Missionaries Come Home

Newspeople and commentators outside the South ordinarily pay little attention to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). They find little reason to notice this church body if they are geographically remote from, or see the SBC as remote from public af...

November 2, 2015

Jainism | cycle of death and rebirth | India | santhara | cosmos | karma

Life and Death Matters: The Cosmic Man

Three months ago, on August 10, the High Court of the state of Rajasthan in India ruled against the Jain community’s voluntary practice of meditating without food or water until death.Though this practice is held in high regard by the Jain community,...

October 29, 2015

Pope Francis | Bob Brady | Catholicism

When Tap Water Becomes Holy Water: The Strange Saga of the Pope's Water Glass

a strange incident involving the glass of water used by the Pope

October 22, 2015

Catholicism | culture wars | globalization | GLBTQ rights | global church

Christians Fighting Christians

Contemporary Disputes in Christianity...

October 19, 2015

Sovereign citizens | paper terrorism | Moorish Scientist | Washitaw | Embassy of Heaven | Christian Patriotism | Expatriation Act of 1868

God's Law: Universal Truth According to Religious Sovereign Citizens

In May of last year, police in Madison County, Tennessee, made a traffic stop of a kind that has been increasingly common in recent years. Officers pulled over a car with handmade license plates printed with the words “non resident 6-55-502—privilege...

October 15, 2015

confession | repentance | Catholic Church | David Brooks | post-Vatican II

Confession Today

A mission of Sightings and the special mission assigned me here is to relate faith and faiths, as mediated by media, to public life. ...

October 12, 2015

Thai Buddhism | religious tourism | meditation

A Successful Exchange? Buddhism and Tourism Intersect in Thailand

A volunteer English teacher from Canada spends six months teaching English to novices in a temple school in a quiet Northern town, in order to ‘give back’ and pursue an interest in Buddhism. A young American tourist wanders into a Monk Chat in t...

October 8, 2015

Ahmed Mohamed | Islamophobia | Muslims

Muslims in the South

Islam in Focus...

October 5, 2015