Sightings Articles

John Calvin | Martin Luther | Reformation

Calvin, for a Change

Recovering, as many of us will and must, from massive doses of Lutherana—after media, scholars, and the pious both among them and beyond their range are doing following October 31 observances—we at Sightings do our scanning of headlines, twisting of ...

November 13, 2017

artificial intelligence | science fiction

Deus ex Machina

Editor's Note: This is the second essay in our series on relationships between religion and science fiction. Read the first issue, Audrey Thompson's "'Cross'-examining the Biblical Witness in War for the Planet of the Apes," and look for more in the ...

November 9, 2017

global Christianity | global South | Lutherans | Martin Luther | Protestant Reformation | Protestants | Reformation

Luther Goes Global

This week most Lutherans, many Protestants, and not a few “general public” participants will turn the page from observances of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Some church figures—pastors, choir directors, tour leaders, etc.—confess...

November 6, 2017

Martin Luther and Ethiopian Christianity: Historical Traces

How might Ethiopian Christianity have influenced the Protestant Reformation? Did Martin Luther make connections between his reforms and the Orthodox Church in Ethiopia, and could Ethiopian Christianity, as understood by Luther, be considered a “forer...

November 2, 2017

Martin Luther | Max Scheler | Pope John Paul II | Reformation | repentance


Last Monday the Sightings editor republished a “classic” column from a previous century, specifically from 1999. What was I doing that kept me from writing and presenting a fresh item? One answer could be: I was sinning, so I would have something tha...

October 30, 2017

Christianity | Evangelicalism | Protestantism

In Search of a Rectification of Names

After eighty years, the college fellowship that I attended as an undergraduate at Princeton has altered its name. “Princeton Evangelical Fellowship” is gone, replaced by “Princeton Christian Fellowship.” I was not surprised or annoyed. The original t...

October 26, 2017

Bible | Christianity | Holy War | political religion | science fiction

“Cross”-examining the Biblical Witness in War for the Planet of the Apes

Editor's Note: With today's issue, Sightings launches a new thematic series on the relationships between religion and science fiction—both terms broadly understood. Our first installment in this series comes from returning Sightings contributor Audre...

October 19, 2017

Killing Religion?

“College Professors Aren’t Killing Religion” reads a recent headline, whose claim is qualified by its subhead: “But college degrees certainly aren’t helping.” Daniel Cox “[f]iled under Religion” at FiveThirtyEight (October 10, 2017) to tell us this. ...

October 16, 2017

Styron’s Nat Turner Turns 50, Gets Religion

Fifty years ago this month, William Styron published The Confessions of Nat Turner—an historical novel that became a flashpoint for arguments about race and representation during a particularly trying period of U.S. history. Styron, a white Virginian...

October 12, 2017

culture wars | gun legislation | gun violence

Souls and the Guns of America

“Guns and the Soul of America” is the title of an important recent column by David Brooks (The New York Times, October 6th). Sightings writers do not claim to be experts on guns, but something or other about “souls” shows up in most of our semiweekly...

October 9, 2017