Sightings Articles

Just War | nuclear weapons

Questions in a Nuclear Age

Editor’s Note: Sightings will be on “holiday hiatus” until Thursday, January 4. We would like to thank our readers and contributors for their continued support and engagement this past year, and we look forward to bringing you more of the very best c...

December 21, 2017

charity | Christmas

Charities Feel Christmas Fear

“Charities Fear Tax Bill Will Cut Giving” is the kind of headline leaders of churches and charities hate to read about trends that they don’t like to face, as face they must. The subhead in a story reflecting on the current tax bill in The New York T...

December 18, 2017


With the outset of autumn as determined by the Jewish liturgical calendar, a daily prayer is recited beseeching God to bless the Holy Land with rain: “… Turn to us, God, who are surrounded by troubles like water. / For the Jewish people’s sake, do no...

December 14, 2017


The Hearts of Millennials

As longtime readers of Sightings will know, a quotation from José Ortega y Gasset about “decisive historical changes” has been decisive for my own work as an historian. I’ll cite it today both as an introduction to this week’s “sighting” of millennia...

December 11, 2017

The Relevance of Religious Studies

No doubt many members of every profession and every professional (and academic) organization find occasions to speak up and protest the failure by people in strategic positions—in government, media, and the like—to be aware of the resources such orga...

December 4, 2017


Chicago: Religion and the State of Our City

February 2018 will mark the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School. ...

November 30, 2017

Bruderhof | Plough Quarterly | Reformation

Did the Anabaptist Reformers “Win”?

Editor's Note: Those in the Chicago area are invited to join the Divinity School today at 4:30 pm in Swift Hall's third-floor lecture room for "Just Reaction: Religion, Ethics, and the Nuclear Age," part of a series of events reflecting on the 75th a...

November 27, 2017

John Calvin | Marilynne Robinson

Calvinism II

Editor’s Note: Sightings will be off this Thursday, November 23rd, for the Thanksgiving holiday. Guilt, Luthero-Calvinist style, could be blamed for this column, except that this forgiven Luthero-Calvinist sinner, when writing, favors pardon a...

November 20, 2017

Luther’s Imagined Ethiopia and the Challenges of Global Exchange

The thesis of David Daniels’s recent Sightings column, “Martin Luther and Ethiopian Christianity: Historical Traces,” is exciting and important amidst the recent celebrations of Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses. In short, the Reformation was not “a solely...

November 16, 2017