Sightings Articles

hands raised by cross

Evangelicalism | Christian Nationalism | global Christianity

A Global Perspective on American Evangelical Politics

White American evangelical Trumpism is a lot more white and more American than it is evangelical....

September 13, 2022
desmund tutu street art

Desmond Tutu | global Christianity

The Revolutionary Joy of Desmond Tutu

There is a danger in softening Tutu’s legacy, but we make the same mistake in the opposite direction if we forget his contagious, all-embracing joy....

January 6, 2022

global Christianity | global South | Lutherans | Martin Luther | Protestant Reformation | Protestants | Reformation

Luther Goes Global

This week most Lutherans, many Protestants, and not a few “general public” participants will turn the page from observances of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Some church figures—pastors, choir directors, tour leaders, etc.—confess...

November 6, 2017

Catholics | global Christianity | Lutherans | Protestants | Reformation

Reformation Jostlings

On this day, 499 years ago, a friar proposed 95 theses for debate and “posted” them (in today’s world and words), meaning he mailed them to his superior, the Archbishop of Mainz, and/or nailed them to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Wh...

October 31, 2016