Sightings Articles

Modi, Biden, and the Surprising Links Between Multiculturalism and Islamophobia
Support for Hindu nationalism is widespread in the western diaspora, which both ends of the American political spectrum enable, in their own ways....
June 29, 2023

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: On National Self-Understanding
Can we overcome our collective illusions about ourselves?...
May 24, 2021

Reading Arendt, Connecting the Dots
You may remember a moment during this news-saturated summer when suicide was atop the national headlines. Two famous people, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, took their lives days apart, and for a brief period the events of the Trump administration g...
September 6, 2018

An Irrelevant War?
Thursday the United States observed the centennial of its entry into World War I, a move which, historians like to say, “changed everything.” The nation lost 116,000 troops while nine million lives were lost worldwide. The map of Europe was reconfigu...