Sightings Articles

freedom of expression | Milo Yiannopoulos | Rachel Fulton Brown

An Open Letter to Rachel Fulton Brown

Dr. Fulton Brown, You were a major influence on my development as an academic and as an educator. I am studying for a doctorate and writing on the history of biblical exegesis in large part because of time spent in your classroom in my seven years...

March 2, 2017

freedom of expression | Milo Yiannopoulos | Rachel Fulton Brown

Lessons in False Piety and Fake News from the Middle Ages

In the first novella of Boccaccio’s 14th-century Decameron, Panfilo tells the story of Ciappelletto, the worst man ever to live (including his impressive catalogue of vice), who spins his final confession into a rhetorical masterpiece narrating his o...

March 2, 2017

freedom of expression | Milo Yiannopoulos | Rachel Fulton Brown

Three Comments on Rachel Fulton Brown

Of the many misleading statements made by Rachel Fulton Brown, one that struck me as a Berkeley local and indeed a veteran of the Free Speech Movement of 1964 was her representation of the anti-Milo student protesters. They were, she implies, happily...

March 2, 2017

freedom of expression | Milo Yiannopoulos | Rachel Fulton Brown

The Time Has Passed

On February 16th, 2017, Sightings published an article entitled “Why Milo Scares Students, and Faculty Even More,” by University of Chicago professor Rachel Fulton Brown. In the piece Fulton Brown theorizes about the discomfort that Milo Yiannopoulos...

March 2, 2017

freedom of expression | Milo Yiannopoulos | Rachel Fulton Brown

Mind-Forged Manacles

Professor Rachel Fulton Brown’s February 16th Sightings piece was about freedom of speech, the place of Christianity in Western culture supposedly championed by Milo Yiannopoulos, and the seeming inability of students to make normative judgments. Whi...

March 2, 2017

Catholicism | Church Militant | Detroit | Michael Voris | Steve Bannon

The Church Militant

Headlines in the Detroit Free Press, which reached us recently via USA Today, and the Chicago Sun-Times, from the second-to-last day of last year, were wake-up alarms alerting readers to yet another extremist group of the sort that prospers in these ...

February 27, 2017

Robinson Jeffers

Robinson Jeffers: A Poet for Our Climate

The poets of America’s great Modernist generation—Wallace Stevens, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot—have all had their moments in the sun. Robinson Jeffers, their contemporary, was ultimately overshadowed by them, but his poetry may speak to our moment as no ...

February 23, 2017

Alasdair MacIntyre | Benedict Option | Benedictines | Rod Dreher | Stanley Hauerwas

Benedict, Not Benedictine

Editor's note: Last Thursday's piece by Rachel Fulton Brown provoked a great deal of discussion. Some of those who have written to express their consternation have urged Sightings to "disavow" the piece and remove it from the Marty Center's "platform...

February 20, 2017

Berkeley riot | Christianity | first amendment | free speech | freedom of expression | higher education | Milo Yiannopoulos | Stephen Prothero | Western civilization

Why Milo Scares Students, and Faculty Even More

Editor's note: For a collection of responses to this piece, please see “A Packet for Rachel Fulton Brown” (March 2, 2017). On Wednesday, February 1st, there was a riot at the University of California, Berkeley. The College Republicans had invited ...

February 16, 2017