Sightings Articles


Advent | political religion

Disruptive Religion

Why we sometimes need religion to offend us and disturb the status quo...

January 2, 2020

political religion

A Voice on Trial

Two weeks ago, Rev. William J. Barber II was convicted on charges of trespassing in the North Carolina State Legislative Building. ...

June 20, 2019

Bible | Christianity | Holy War | political religion | science fiction

“Cross”-examining the Biblical Witness in War for the Planet of the Apes

Editor's Note: With today's issue, Sightings launches a new thematic series on the relationships between religion and science fiction—both terms broadly understood. Our first installment in this series comes from returning Sightings contributor Audre...

October 19, 2017

Alain de Benoist | Action Francaise | Charles Maurras | Emilio Gentile | ethnic nationalism | Front National | Guillaume Faye | Jean-Marie Le Pen | Marine Le Pen | Nouvelle Droite | political religion | sacralization of politics

The Front National and the "Religion" of Ethnic Nationalism

The radical right is increasingly mainstream throughout Europe. Sarah de Lange notes how, since the 1990s, radical right-wing parties have joined coalition governments in Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, and...

April 20, 2017

Alt-Right | Donald Trump | Eric Voegelin | fascism | Gabriele D'Annunzio | ideology | political religion

After Trump

Editor's note. This is the fourth and last installment in our series on the Trump phenomenon, or “Trumpism,” and what it reveals about the relationship between religion and politics in America today. Special thanks to our previous contributors: Roger...

November 3, 2016