Sightings Articles

Harry Versus the Hobbit -- Paul V.M. Flesher

With the recent release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on video and DVD, it is an apt moment to review the religious reaction to last fall's two major film releases, the Harry Potter movie and the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ri...

June 27, 2002

Concerning Faith-based Initiatives -- Martin E. Marty

Last week John J. DiIulio, Jr., who momentarily was director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, issued an angry manifesto. He foresees a "New Civil Rights Struggle." Read him on the editorial page of the The Wall Stre...

June 24, 2002

The Limits of Mother's Day and Father's Day -- James L. Evans

We have entered a very holy season in the Christian South. The weeks between Mother's Day and Father's Day have come to occupy a semi-sacred status. It is not just about motherhood and fatherhood. Churches use the season to celebrate and promote a vi...

June 13, 2002

Pornography and American Protestantism -- Martin E. Marty

"Conservatives Decry Ruling on Kid Porn," read a Religion News Service headline in May 22-29 issue of  HYPERLINK "" The Christian Century identifying Christian conservative groups as main critics of the recent U. S. Su...

June 10, 2002

Islamic Pilgrimage in Uzbekistan -- Patrick A. Hatcher

Since the predominantly Muslim republics of Central Asia gained independence from the former Soviet Union, their citizens have been exploring the public expression of religious practices that once had to be kept away from the scrutiny of the state. F...

June 6, 2002

Soundings Old and New -- Martin E. Marty

I attended two fiftieth reunions with fellow seminary alumni last weekend, having Masters of Divinity diplomas from both Concordia in St. Louis and utheran in Chicago. At the former I was chosen to speak to all alumni on social change in the new 21st...

June 3, 2002

Of Troubled Hearts -- Christopher Beem

"Do not let your hearts be troubled." I recently heard my parish priest read Jesus' words from the Gospel, and apply them to the ongoing crisis in the Catholic Church. I found that I was not persuaded. Of course, I accept the idea that ultimately and...

May 30, 2002

The Pulse of American Atheism -- Martin E. Marty

To change the subject—there are more subjects than one in the world of religion, though one might not know it this season—let's turn our sights to the world of non-religion, or anti-religion, or at least a-theism and anti-theism. That is what writer ...

May 28, 2002

A Middle East Report -- Dr. Mohamed Mosaad

The Interfaith Encounter Association (IEA) is dedicated to promoting coexistence in the Middle East through cross-cultural study and inter-religious dialogue. The IEA believes that religion can and should be a force for the good in the Middle East an...

May 23, 2002

Headlines as Headlines -- Martin E. Marty

Belaboring the theme that R. Scott Appleby treated with his typical sense of balance in Sightings last week, let me return to the topic of how media treat clerical abuse scandals. I look forward to the day when we can move beyond this urgent theme. ...

May 20, 2002