Sightings Articles

Is the Media Anti-Catholic? -- Scott Appleby

The scandal involving the sexual abuse of children and minors by a small minority of priests, and the attempted cover-up of these sins and crimes by some American bishops, is now in its fourth month. Along the way friends and colleagues have asked me...

May 16, 2002

Taxing Situations -- Martin E. Marty

Motivated by panic over the Goldwater presidential campaign, the editors of The Christian Century briefly in 1964 supported Lyndon B. Johnson, and said so on their cover. Roughshod-riding evangelist Billy James Hargis then sicced the IRS on the magaz...

May 13, 2002

A Word from Concerned Catholics -- Rosemary P. Carbine and Anthea D. Butler

Together with the church as the people of God, we as lay Catholics want to express solidarity with those abused, oppressed, and silenced by ordained church officials. We are saddened by the ongoing lack of pastoral care shown by the church to victims...

May 8, 2002

Bad Timing, Worse Deeds -- Martin E. Marty

These ought to be good days for "institutional religion." Signs in many directions point to fresh curiosities about religion. The Religion and Ethics News Weekly television people and U. S. News and World Report in April released poll data whose bott...

May 6, 2002

April is the Cruelest Month -- Donald E. Miller

Every April I find myself grieving over the levels of violence of which humanity is capable. April 6, 1994, was the first day of the slaughter of 800,000 Rwandan Tutsis by their Hutu neighbors. April 24 is the day on which Armenians commemorate the g...

May 2, 2002

Out of Bounds -- Martin E. Marty

Only two months ago William A. Donohue of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights listed "The Ten Worst Anti-Catholic Atrocities of 2002" in America (February 18). Some examples certainly were atrocious, e.g. a Time Out New York listing of...

April 30, 2002

Dismantling Academic Freedom -- Philip P. Arnold

A memorandum dated 30 November 2001 was sent from Governor George Pataki's office through the State University of New York University Counsel to all presidents of New York State operated campuses and community colleges. It stated that all contacts wi...

April 26, 2002

The Myth of the Myth of Freedom -- Martin E. Marty

Two running and highly visible examples of religious groups under governmental investigation or court summons are Islamic charities, which may or may not be funneling funds to terrorist groups, and Catholic dioceses, which may or may not be guilty of...

April 22, 2002

The Dilemma of a Faithless Faith -- James L. Evan

We don't hear much about orthodoxy these days. The notion comes from a time when the church was able to exercise control over the beliefs and practices of its members. The idea of a binding body of religious teaching is simply untenable in the modern...

April 18, 2002

Living in Glass Houses -- Martin E. Marty

Scandal Brings Out the Bigots: Sex Charges Just an Excuse to Revel in Anti-Catholicism." That headlines the April 12 column of sociologist, novelist, columnist, and friend Father Andrew Greeley in the Chicago Sun-Times and elsewhere. Yes, there is a ...

April 15, 2002