Sightings Articles

Ironies of the American Present -- Martin E. Marty

"Reinhold Niebuhr, where are you now when we need you?" in effect asks David Brooks, a not unastute correspondent in The Atlantic Monthly (September, 2002). He beckons the ghost of the towering Protestant theologian and social critic of a half centur...

August 5, 2002

Fast Food Communion -- James L. Evans

There is an enduring wisdom behind the expression “we are what we eat.” Recent warnings from the public health sector that obesity has reached epidemic status in this country certainly lends credence to this culinary proverb. And if it is true that w...

August 2, 2002

Facing the Fallout -- Martin E. Marty

Stories about the sexual abuse crisis in Catholicism have moved from the "feeding frenzy" to the "facing fallout" stages. Headlines announcing continued Wall Street traumas have not quite crowded priest-and-bishop news from the public eye. A sampling...

July 31, 2002

A Letter from Jerusalem -- Ithamar Gruenwald

Dear Friends,  I hope that this finds you well.  I am writing from the city whose name signifies, in Hebrew, wholeness and peace. Today was a quiet day in the city. I even ventured downtown. There are days in which the downtown is a ghost city....

July 25, 2002

Of Sociology, Theology, and Bibliography -- Martin E. Marty

To publish is, by definition, to go public. So religious publishing fits our category of "public religion." Evangelical publishing has gone public in such impressive ways that secular publishers compete for its authors and markets, and some (bad) eva...

July 22, 2002

The Afflicted and The Comfortable -- Jennifer M. Cole

In "The Limits of Mother's Day and Father's Day" ( HYPERLINK "" Sightings, 6/13/02) Reverend James L. Evans asked us to "find a way to affirm those families that work hard everyday to b...

July 18, 2002

Faith in the Faith-based -- Murray Friedman

In his column "Concerning Faith-based Initiatives," ( HYPERLINK "" Sightings, June 24, 2002) Martin E. Marty raises questions about a piece written by John J. DiIulio, Jr., former head ...

July 15, 2002

When the Secular Is Not Secular -- Sheila Suess Kennedy

Religious matters are increasingly in the news. There are the controversies over abuse in the Catholic Church, eruptions of European anti-Semitism in the wake of Arab-Israeli violence, and solemn arguments about the nature of Islam in the wake of 9/1...

July 10, 2002

The True, the False, and the Useful -- Martin E. Marty

Eighteenth-century historian Edward Gibbon wrote of the Antonines' Rome: "The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as...

July 8, 2002

Revisiting Independence Day, 1971 -- Lawrence Webb

I recently rediscovered notes I had scribbled in church on a bulletin dated "Independence Day, 1971."  "Going to church on Independence Day proved to be a strange experience. In the service which included patriotic songs and the pledge of allegian...

July 3, 2002