Sightings Articles

Chronicle -- Martin E. Marty

 HYPERLINK "" The Chronicle of Higher Education, which gives ever more coverage to religion in the academy, gives space to it in its September 6 issue, "One Year Later." Samples: Kenneth W. Hearlson, a political science profes...

September 9, 2002

A Just War? -- James Evans

Momentum is building for a war with Iraq. The Bush Administration has been leaking information to, among other things, measure public opinion and uncover what questions a war with Iraq would provoke.  What questions should it provoke? Should we qu...

September 6, 2002

A Just War? -- James Evans

Momentum is building for a war with Iraq. The Bush Administration has been leaking information to, among other things, measure public opinion and uncover what questions a war with Iraq would provoke.  What questions should it provoke? Should we qu...

September 6, 2002

Your Two Cents -- Martin E. Marty

The two Sightings reporting on reservations about or criticisms of war with Iraq drew by far the largest response in the history of this e-mail column. By design, every one of my columns fits on one printed page. This time I’ll go on longer, to give ...

September 3, 2002

Of Proselytizing and Subway Tracts -- Elizabeth Hayes Alvarez

As an inhabitant of a religiously vibrant city in a religiously vibrant nation, my "sightings" of religion in public life often come from the street. Lately my husband and I have been watching the tract war between Jews for Jesus and the Jewish Commu...

August 30, 2002

Fairness and Forced Taxpayer Support of Religion -- Frank L. Pasquale

Debate about school voucher systems and other tax-based support for religious institutions understandably invokes discussion of fairness and justice: for low-income parents and their children, for sectarian school parents and their children, and for ...

August 22, 2002

More Voices Seldom Heard -- Martin E. Marty

Next month in Nebraska I am to speak on non-violence -- domestic and international -- and education. While researching, I did a quick mental canvass. It is hard to think of any media coverage of religious witness against war in Iraq.  Before the G...

August 19, 2002

Uzbekistan's New Clerics -- Eren Tasar

Islamic belief remained strong among Uzbekistan's traditionally Muslim population during the Soviet period. Thousands of "secret" places of worship appeared around a handful of official mosques tolerated by the government. At the same time, Soviet ru...

August 15, 2002

Voices Seldom Heard -- Martin E. Marty

Last week we mentioned how rare have been the reported-on voices of religious figures questioning the potential war against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Also rarely reported on are religious questionings of American responses after 9/11. Maybe there have ...

August 13, 2002

Nietzsche and The Prayer of Jabez -- Brian Britt

Since its appearance two years ago, Bruce Wilkinson's The Prayer of Jabez (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, 2000) has sold over six million copies and has led to the creation of a small industry -- the Breakthrough Series -- based on prayers th...

August 9, 2002