Sightings Articles

Black and white image of Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold

morality | Leopold and Loeb | Philosophy | Friedrich Nietzsche

Telling the Stories of Leopold and Loeb

Thinking about Leopold and Loeb as well as their inspiration and their trial shows the importance of how we narrate the history of morality....

May 3, 2024
Two white marble figures embrace

Kiss | morality | Symbolism

The Symbolism of a Kiss?

A single human action can take on multiple meanings, personal, social, cultural, and even moral and religious....

April 21, 2023
Woman peering out from behind red sign stating JUSTICE

morality | bearing witness | violence

Should We Watch Videos of Racialized Police Violence?

If we choose to watch depictions of brutality, we must do so keenly aware of the moral costs, benefits, and risks. ...

February 9, 2023
Crowd with hands raised in praise and illuminate by dark red light

Evangelicalism | racism | morality | tribalism

Moral Indignation and Reflections on Evangelicalism

The embrace of Herschel Walker by Georgia's white evangelicals reveals the betrayal of values once publicly espoused....

October 20, 2022
Zhi sends confucius packing

Confucianism | China | morality | social activism

How Not to Be a Feckless Moral Hustler

A topsy-turvy story from the Zhuangzi shows up the limits of noble intentions...

April 12, 2021

Catholicism | memoirs | morality | nones | segmentation

Getting Religion

In the free market of American religion....

September 19, 2016