Sightings Articles

ISIS | Islam | San Bernardino attack | religious extremism | education | civil society | democracy

Missing From Conversations About San Bernardino Attack—The Main Point: Education!

Amid the shrieks and din of presidential candidates like Donald Trump calling for a moratorium on the immigration of Muslim to our shores, ISIS’ ranting about apocalyptic warfare between Islam and non-Muslims in the West, and President Obama assuring...

December 10, 2015

Emanuel AME Church | Charleston | Bible study | Dylann Roof | Manifesto of Hate | Confederate flag | Hannah Arendt | natality | civil society | forgiveness | mercy | Gospels | Noah

The Bedrock of Civil Society? Mercy in the Face of Death

Death stalks the schools, cinemas, and churches of America. Not a day passes without some report of a madman killing innocent people and then turning his weapon on himself or cowardly fleeing the scene of the suffering he has sown. Most of the time, ...

July 9, 2015