Sightings Articles

Emanuel AME Church | Charleston | Bible study | Dylann Roof | Manifesto of Hate | Confederate flag | Hannah Arendt | natality | civil society | forgiveness | mercy | Gospels | Noah

The Bedrock of Civil Society? Mercy in the Face of Death

Death stalks the schools, cinemas, and churches of America. Not a day passes without some report of a madman killing innocent people and then turning his weapon on himself or cowardly fleeing the scene of the suffering he has sown. Most of the time, ...

July 9, 2015

Paul Ricoeur | Pope Francis | Laudato Si | Confederacy | Charleston | Clementa Pinckney | grace | US Supreme Court | Affordable Care Act

Religion Overwhelms in News

Sightings this week belongs to the “catching our breath” or “cleaning our glasses” category of columns. Note that for once it lists no sources or resources at the end. There are simply too many to cite. We cannot recall, in our sixteen years of “sigh...

June 29, 2015