Sightings Articles

The Berned-Over District
Writing from Rochester, NY, a week ahead of the recent New York Democratic Presidential primary, D. D. Guttenplan likened the fervor surrounding Bernie Sanders’s political moment to the Protestant religious revivals that consumed that same region in ...
May 5, 2016

Keeping on the Sunny Side: Southern Traditionalism's Bid for Academic Respectability and Tolerance by John Howell
According to a December 6, 2009, article for the Chronicle of Higher Education, entitled “Scholars Nostalgic for the Old South Study the Virtues of Secession, Quietly,” genteel southern traditionalism is having a coming out party. In the article, wr...
February 4, 2010

'Gog' on the Move — John Howell
Those who followed early coverage of the 2008 Olympics will remember President Bush's interview with NBC's Bob Costas during which the two men discussed Russia's bombing of Georgia. Asked what he had said to Vladimir Putin during the opening ceremon...