Sightings Articles

2016 presidential election | Donald Trump | evangelical Christians | Hillary Clinton | Martin Luther King Jr. | progressives

Progressives, Evangelicals, and Presidential Politics: What Love Has, and Hasn’t, Got to Do with It

A recent analysis of the dynamics of the 2016 presidential election in Sightings—Myriam Renaud, “Progressives: To Take Back the White House, Love Your White Evangelical Neighbors”—is useful. As Ms. Renaud says, the Clinton campaign failed to replicat...

October 5, 2017

2016 presidential election | Donald Trump | Eric Hoffer | Franklin Graham | Hillary Clinton | new poor | opinion gap | Richard Land

Myths Debunked: Why Did White Evangelical Christians Vote for Trump?

What motivated white evangelicals to vote for Trump in 2016: Abortion and supreme-court nominees? No. Terrorism, the economy, and immigration....

January 19, 2017

Bernie Sanders | Presidential primary | Democratic Party | Charles Grandison Finney | Great Awakening | American Dream | Hillary Clinton | Evangelicalism | Rosario Dawson | Revivalism

The Berned-Over District

Writing from Rochester, NY, a week ahead of the recent New York Democratic Presidential primary, D. D. Guttenplan likened the fervor surrounding Bernie Sanders’s political moment to the Protestant religious revivals that consumed that same region in ...

May 5, 2016