Sightings Articles

church and state

liberalism | Thomas Jefferson | Catholicism | Church and State | Benedict Option

Liberalism’s Faith

On Maggie Nelson, the free exchange of ideas that fundamentalists fear, and the faith that must ground any tenable liberalism...

November 11, 2021

Church and State | education | parochial schools | Supreme Court | US Constitution

Children on Christian or Secular Swings?

Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Pauley is a grabbing lawsuit name for those of us who do “sightings” of religion in American public life. It features in a story in The Kansas City Star (see “Resources” below). The suit has to do with whether c...

October 24, 2016

Church and State | religious freedom | Religious persecution

Defining Religion

the issue is not simply who “gets” to define, but who “must?

May 16, 2016