Sightings Articles

Muslim Perspectives on "Remembering God" at Christmas

What Muslims think about Christmas...

December 26, 2013

Religion in 2013 -- Martin E. Marty

With this release Monday’s Sightings says good-bye to 2013. Appropriately, I want to use this moment to take a retrospective look at religion-in-the-news during the past year. The Religion Newswriters Association (RNA) was eight years old when, ...

December 23, 2013

Faith-Based Prisons: More Religion Equals Less Crime? — Brad Stoddard

The State Penitentiary in Angola, Louisiana, recently made headlines because it hosts an in-house seminary that offers a two-year associate degree in Pastoral Ministries and a four-year bachelor’s degree in Theology. The curriculum includes a varie...

December 19, 2013

Losing Faith — Martin E. Marty

Guiding my own thoughts about historical changes are these lines by the Spanish philosopher, José Ortega y Gasset: “Decisive historical changes do not come from great wars, terrible cataclysms, or ingenious inventions: it is enough that the heart of ...

December 16, 2013

Advent-Season Fasting by Supporters of New U.S. Immigration Bill — Elizabeth Collier

For Christians, the season of Advent is a time of hopeful expectation, a hopeful waiting in the midst of short days and long hours of darkness. The challenging, exhausting, penitential practice of fasting, found in most religions, is not typically as...

December 12, 2013

War on Christmas -- Martin E. Marty

Two stories vied for top notice over the weekend. The first was the death of Nelson Mandela, the South African maker of peace. The second was the war about “The War Against Christmas.” Both dealt with the “public religion” themes that preoccupySighti...

December 9, 2013

Anti-Superstition Campaign in India Cost Dr. Nadrendra Dabholkar His Life — Anand Venkatkrishnan

Earlier this year, Dr. Narendra Dabholkar, president of a prominent Indian rationalist organization, the Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS), or Committee for the Eradication of Blind Faith, was killed for his efforts to get...

December 5, 2013

Pope on Unequal Wealth -- Martin E. Marty

“Pope attacks ‘tyranny’ of markets in manifesto” (Chicago Tribune, Nov. 26), “Pope Assails ‘New Tyranny’ of Unchecked Capitalism” (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 26), “Pope Francis the Revolutionary” (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 28) are just three of the th...

December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013: "So Far From Want" -- Jeanne Bishop

When President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November as “a day of thanksgiving and praise” for the nation, he did so in the midst of war....

November 28, 2013


Embattled Ecumenism ...

November 25, 2013