Sightings Articles

Business Ethics — Martin E. Marty

Fifty Catholic academic-ethicists wrote President John Garvey of the Catholic University of America (CUA), protesting the university’s acceptance of $1 million from the Charles Koch Foundation to support programs on “principled entrepreneurship.” S...

April 7, 2014

Science vs the Bible: Reasons Why This Debate Will Never Be Settled — Peter Han

On March 17 (2014), scientists announced new findings consistent with the Big Bang Theory. Gravitational waves dating back to instants after the universe came into being, 13.7 billion years ago, were detected by telescope. Regardless of mounting e...

April 3, 2014

Science vs the Bible: Reasons Why This Debate Will Never Be Settled - Peter Han

On March 17 (2014), scientists announced new findings consistent with the Big Bang Theory. Gravitational waves dating back to instants after the universe came into being, 13.7 billion years ago, were detected by telescope. Regardless of mounting e...

April 3, 2014

Hobby Lobby — Martin E. Marty

At the end of its current session, probably in June, the United States Supreme Court will hand down rulings on a case coded by many as a “religious freedom” issue. Religious America, or, if you prefer, Secular America, through its media and popular e...

March 31, 2014

Demystifying Catholic Sisters in a Digital Age — Monica L. Mercado

Earlier this month, the SisterStory project launched as part of the lead up to the first National Catholic Sisters Week (March 8-14). Organized by Minnesota’s St. Catherine University and funded by a major grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, ...

March 27, 2014

End of Elite Denominational Headquarters — Martin E. Marty

Chapels, churches, synagogues, cathedrals and other buildings are often the most visible and stable signs that religious institutions exist. Urban landscapes are still marked by the steeples of downtown churches; suburbs still boast edifices surround...

March 24, 2014

Middle-East’s Sectarian Balance Shifts as Syrian Uprising Enters its Fourth Year — Jawad Anwar Qureshi

This month, Syria’s Uprising enters its fourth year. So far, close to 150,000 people are confirmed dead, over nine million Syrians have been displaced, and carnage has been unleashed in virtually all of Syria’s urban centers. One of the unintended...

March 20, 2014

Who Is a Catholic? — Martin E. Marty

“Who is Pope Francis?” was the understandable and constant question during this pope’s first year, now past. “Who is a Catholic?” is the understandable and urgent question in his second year, now begun. Of course, the two questions are symbiotic. Wha...

March 17, 2014

"Gravity" vs. Richard Dawkins — David Mihalyfy

Gravity isn’t just an Oscar-winning blockbuster—it’s also a battleground for the early 21st Century “God Wars” in which the concept of providence is used as a weapon against the “New Atheist” viewpoints popularized by Richard Dawkins and others....

March 13, 2014

Religio-Secular — Martin E. Marty

“Our Secular Future: The redefinition of religious liberty in American society” is a promising and threatening reflection by Richard R. Reno in the Jesuit-based weekly America (February 24, 2014). It turns out that the article deals more with the sub...

March 10, 2014