Sightings Articles


conscientious objectors | religious freedom | religious ethics

Conscience: Its Use and Abuse

How John Henry Newman helps us guard against the political abuse of conscience for religious beliefs...

December 5, 2019

health care | white evangelicals

Why White Evangelicals Are Wrong About Obamacare

Editor's Note: This essay responds to the "Three Reasons White Evangelicals Hate Obamacare" critically analyzed by Myriam Renaud in her April 12 article for Sightings. It is reasonable to think that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (...

May 3, 2018

Theologians on Science and Reductionism

How well do theologians and philosophers understand modern science to discuss its theological and ethical implications effectively with scientists? Recently, theologian Theodore Peters claimed that "the moral stance of the scientist is not built into...

September 29, 2011