
An Evening with Kristin Du Mez
A conversation on the intersection of gender, religion, and politics in recent American history; ...
October 26, 2021
Anthony C. Yu Junior Faculty Fellowship
Erin Galgay Walsh works on ancient and late antique Christianity....
March 23, 2021
Hector Awarded Templeton Grant
Kevin Hector, Associate Professor of Theology and of the Philosophy of Religions, has been awarded a grant to study Memory and Personal Identity from the Templeton Foundation as part of a larger three-year collaborative project, titled 'Collaborative...
April 1, 2020
Doostdar Wins Book Prize
Alireza Doostdar, Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies and the Anthropology of Religion, has been awarded the 2020 Vinson Sutlive Book Prize by the Anthropology Department at William & Mary, given to the best book utilizing anthropological ...
April 1, 2020